SPLIT II (autumn mini-project)


The Mulberry Tree in Autumn. Vincent Van Gogh

Hi kids, we are in autumn, a very beautiful season. So, let me see how much you know about it. Browse the internet if necessary to answer the following questions:

1. When is autumn in Europe? and, in Australia? Is it on the same dates? Do you know why?
2. How do Americans usually say "autumn"
3. Name three "autumn" words
4. Which are the colours of autumn? 
5. What's the weather like in autumn? Which clothes do we wear?
6. What do some birds do in autumn?
7. What do farmers do this time of the year?
8. What happens with some trees?
9. Name autumn festivities around the world?
10. The Mulberry Tree is a painting by Van Gogh. What do you know about him? Where was he born? Where did he live? Do you know some of his famous paintings? Which ones? 


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